If you wish to receive a disk with the latest version of PopupCD, check this item. The cost will be higher to cover disk cost and postage and handling. A disk is automatically included with a site license registration.
This is your total cost. If you are paying by credit card, this amount will be billed to your credit card, otherwise please enclose payment in this amount.
Select your preferred method of payment from this popup menu. If you choose to pay by credit card, you may fax, mail, or email your registration. Cash, check, and money order payments need to be sent by mail.
If you are applying for a multiple user site license (5 or more users), enter the number of users here. Site licenses are available for $10 per user. A disk is always included with site license registrations.
Enter you credit card expiration date as it appears on your card.
Enter your MasterCard or Visa account number as it appears on your card.
Enter any comments or suggestions you may have about the program.
You can continue to type after you reach the bottom of the text box and you may also use the 'return' key to begin a new line (the 'enter' key, however, activates the "Print..." button).
To save a registration form to a text file ready to be emailed, click this button. Please be sure all entries in the dialog are completed, and your credit card information is correct. This option is available only if paying by credit card.
To cancel registration, and discard all entries in the dialog, click this button.
To print a completed registration form ready to be mailed or faxed, click this button. Please be sure all entries in the dialog are completed, you have chosen a method of payment, and your credit card information is correct if applicable.